Friday, 8 December 2017

What Do You Do On A Publishing Masters?

I’ve told you about why I chose to do a Master’s in Publishing, but what does it actually entail? Although I can only speak for my course at Oxford Brookes, there are similarities across the courses available in the UK.

I’m doing my Master’s full-time, which means it’s going to take 1 year. This year is split into 3 semesters: semester 1 runs until Christmas, semester 2 runs until May with a break for Easter, and semester 3 runs until the last day of September of 2018 a.k.a. the due date of my dissertation.

Friday, 13 October 2017

Why I Chose to Do a Publishing Masters

If you had told me 3 years ago that I would be doing a Masters, I’d have laughed in your face - why would I sign myself up for yet more university?

Well, here I am, 3 weeks into a Publishing Media MA at Oxford Brookes University. I’ve chosen to blog about my experiences of my Masters a) to help others, but also b) to have a record of what I imagine is going to be quite a pivotal point in my life.

So what led me here? In a sense, it’s you guys (thank you).

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Readabilitea's Bookish Guide to York